Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two of my best friends had their records removed from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today.  I feel sad.  But I am grateful to the Lord for the gift of Agency.  The life they are choosing to live is not in accordance with the church doctrines, so it seems logical that they have their records removed.  I am not saying it is a bad thing.  For them it is right.  I just hate that they left the church with all sorts of misconceptions.  Justin said to me, "they say that they revoke all of your 'blessings' that you've ever received," or something to that affect.  But that's not true.  What they say is that you relinquish your right to hold the Holy Ghost, hold the Priesthood, and receive Temple blessings.  The church does not and cannot take away anything God gave to you freely including blessings.  God blesses people who are not members everyday.  What the church does is let you know that since you are not keeping your half of the covenants you made, God doesn't have to keep his half.  If that makes sense.  It just really bothered me how upset Justin was with the church "taking away" his blessings when in the same breath he said he didn't even believe in them.  And I hate that I can never try to talk to him about the gospel again.  And I hate that he has forgotten about all the times he felt the spirit in his life.  And above all else, I hate that he doesn't believe in God anymore.

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