Thursday, November 4, 2010


So basically, my hands and my face have been going numb off and on for 3 weeks.  And this past Sunday I developed a migraine.  I'm prone to migraines and have had them most of my life so I was able to power through the day.  But over the course of four days, it got progressively worse.  I couldn't sleep, I couldn't see, everything I at made me nauseated.  I couldn't think or even speak coherently.  I had to leave work early yesterday.  I got Justin and Spencer to drive me to the Instacare and they told me to go to the ER.  So last night I was in the ER getting blood drawn and a CT scan to prove that there is nothing wrong with me.  Again.  I have a feeling this has happened before.  It's not like I want something to be wrong with me; I just want to know what it is so maybe I can fix it.  On the bright side, I got an IV full of stuff to help my headache (which is coming back with a vengeance might I add) and a prescription for some fabulous meds.  But it still sucks.  I see no end in sight and that is disheartening.

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