Saturday, November 6, 2010

So I went out to eat at Winger's tonight with my wonderfully marvelous best friend Alexa Thompson.  We were having a grand ol' time and I was flirting it up with the waiter when he said he had worked at Winger's for over a year.  So, being super intelligent, I asked him if he knew this guy who used to work there that I went on like two dates with last semester before he moved to Salt Lake.  Oh yup.  They were roommates.  So Alexa decides to proclaim loudly that we made out.  Which we didn't.  Then waiter man proceeds to tease me and call me a prude.  And then I say, "I probably didn't leave a great impression because I didn't make out with him."  Or something like that.  Next comes awkward pause and me trying to reclaim myself and not be awkward the rest of the night.  Alexa and Justin (Hansen) decided to make fun of waiter man for being like a Sesame Street character while I tried to counteract them by being super nice so he wouldn't tell the boy I went on like two dates with that I'm such a bitch.  Because I'm sure waiter man will remember my name.  I left him a nice tip and a thank you note with a winky face.  Sans phone number because that would be just too awkward.  I hope that made him think I'm not a bitch.

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