Sunday, December 19, 2010

What do you want out of life?

I want everything life has to offer me.  I want all of the opportunities God puts in front of me.  I want to look back on my life at the end of it and know I gave it a damn good shot, in spite of all the foul ups and set backs.  No one looks back on his or her life and thinks, "I wish I did less.  I wish I hadn't experienced that."  At least I don't think so.  I'm not saying I want to make mistakes on purpose and get hurt just for the experience of it.  But I don't want to feel like I missed out on anything.  I want to be happy.  I want to die feeling loved.  I want to feel safe and secure.  I want to know a million useless facts about a million useless things.  I want children who are better and stronger and smarter and more spiritual than I ever have been or will be.  I want a job that fulfills my desire to help others.  I want to meet my maker and thank him for every second of my life that passed.  I want to "live what I love," so to speak.

How do you think people will remember you, when you die?

I think I will be remembered as that funny and slightly bitchy cat lady who was sort of a slut but really free spirited and progressive in her thoughts and actions.

How do you want people to remember you, when you die?

The above sentence suits me fine.  But I would also like to be remembered as a pillar of strength and a positive thinker.  A good wife.  A best friend and trustworthy confidant.  A believer in God with unwavering faith.  A fighter and a supporter.  A brilliant author.  An Amazing Race winner.  A talented actress and a beautiful singer.  An inspiring teacher.  And an excellent mother.

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