Sunday, December 5, 2010

It has been so long. . .

. . . oh so very long since I have posted.  Can I just please say that this past week, well past two weeks, have been Hellboy on Ice?  Oh gosh.  So much traveling, so much snow, and so little sleep.  But now it is done and now my mom is visiting and life is calm once again.  So now to my question:

What do you feel is your greatest skill?

Loaded, loaded question.  I do have so many great ones :P  But seriously, I do.  I am so proud of myself nowadays.  I have developed the ability to move on from the past.  The ability to manage my illness.  The ability to know what I want.  But I think my very absolute greatest skill is to love everyone and empathize with them.  I have been given the gift of empathy.  It says so in my patriarchal blessing.  And it is a great, if not absolutely horrifying, gift.  I cannot only feel bad for someone but I can feel his or her pain.  I don't know how.  I have not experienced so much in my short life.  Definitely not being gay or having an abortion or losing a child or being an alcoholic or homeless or terminal.  But I know what it feels like.  And I cry for them.  I don't understand it and it can be so awful sometimes.  I can see a person in the store and not even speak a word to him but know the pain he is going through.  And I go home and cry and cry and pray for him.
It is a difficult skill to manage and it causes me a lot of pain, but at the end of the day, I am so grateful I have it.  It makes me see the world in a way I am not sure many people can.  It is why I am such a bleeding heart liberal. And why I am a Mormon.  So yes.  That is my greatest, awfullest, most challenging, most wonderful gift.

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