Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am 21

Wow.  21 years I have been on this earth.  How crazy?!  And this monumental birthday has had me contemplating my purpose in life quite a bit.  I realized how young I am.  I know that totally sounds ridiculous but seriously, up until my actual birthday I felt so old.  And then I turned 21 and I felt like I was drowning in this big grown up world.  I'm too young to be making decisions that will affect my entire future.  How can we be expected to know what we want with life and what we want to study right out of High School?  I'm in my third year of college and I still have no clue what the hell I'm doing.  So I'm kind of doing a little bit of panicking and trying to plan my whole life out.  Which is the problem in the first place.  I thought that after I turned 21 I would have this aura of maturity; that I would be taken seriously and take myself more seriously.  But I feel so young and green and frightened.  It is an odd phenomenon. 

What do you think of passionate people?
I love passionate people. Who doesn't?  I like to consider myself a passionate person.  I was talking to my mom about my crisis of self I mentioned above and we were discussing possible career and school changes.  We were talking about my interests and, turns out, I love them all equally and extravagently.  What ever I do I love with an unquenchable passion.  I love reading, I love writing, I love studying art, I love studying History, I love nutrition, I love child care, I love acting, I love singing, I love being outdoors, and I love scores of other things.  And it is complicated.  I am also passionate in my social interactions.  I think I may have mentioned this before ;) but I fall hard and fast in love.  I will "know" within the hour if I am meant to be with someone.  The same thing goes for friends too though.  I can say without a doubt upon meeting someone if there is a posibility we will be friends.  And if we become friends, we will be close.  At least, if I like them enough.  So there you have it.  I am a passionate person who passionately loves passionate people. 

Do you know anyone who you feel is living their dream?  Who?  What do they do all day and night?  Be very specific.
Well, seeing as I live in an average community with average folk living average lifestyles, I do not think I know anyone personally who is living his or her dream.  I can't say for sure and there very well could be people who are, but they haven't made themselves known to me.  There is one person who I feel is living my dream, or at least one of them anyway.  Miss Amy Adams.  She has been nominated for 3 Oscars.  Every single one of the characters she has played is one I would die to play.  DIE!  She is so amazing.  She has a beautiful baby girl and a handsome fiance.  I don't know what she does all day and night except be awesome.  But I know she is living a life she wants and has chosen for herself.  She worked hard to get where she is.  And she is brilliant at what she does.  And she is a Disney frickin' Princess!

Do you think you can be completely satisfied living where you do now?
No.  I love St. George.  It is definitely a step up from the rest of Utah.  But it is still trapped under that typical "Mormon" bubble.  I am mormon and I have no problems being a mormon or with the church.  It's the culture I can't stand.  I don't want to have to be subject to anymore ridiculous political banter from people who have no clue what they are talking about.  And I certainly don't want to raise my children in a society such as this.  So it is great for now.  But not forever.

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