Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why is it that lately I am only posting when I am at work Saturday mornings?  It's not like I am so busy every other day.  Well, that's not entirely true.  But I am not busy at all on Fridays.  In fact most Fridays I just laze around.  This last week was hard for me.  I drank coffee.  More than I would have liked to.  And I didn't practice guitar.  And I didn't clean my apartment.  It's really starting to get ridiculous.  We were talking in institute (which I am so glad I am taking) about doing things, even chores, out of love.  I talked to Brother King about what I can do because I live alone.  And he and I decided that I can do things out of love for my future husband and family.  So that is what I am going to do.  I'm watching a baby girl right now who is probably one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.  And I was thinking about my mom.  When she was my age, she was 8 months pregnant with me.  What a crazy thing.  If I were 8 months pregnant, I'd be bringing a child into a very messy apartment where no meals were cooked, just microwaved or purchased.  And I'm not ok with that.  So instead of thinking about how much I don't want to clean because I live alone and no one really cares I will think about my little baby waiting for me in Heaven and how much I love him/her and want to prepare a pleasant environment for him/her to grow up in.  So that's the plan.  Also, this week I've been sick, which really sucks.  But other than that, things are good.  Except Math.  My teacher makes me want to strangle myself.  He is smart, I can tell.  But he won't let us use our books in class which is a major problem because he doesn't explain the problems he is doing, he just does them and expects us to follow along.  It's frustrating. 

Anyway, on to my question, because it has been an eternity since I've answered one. 
What is one thing you could do today, this week, this month, or this year to get a step closer to creating the legacy in #17?

I swear on my life I didn't look at this question until I started writing.  This is what I wrote for #17.

I would also like to be remembered as a pillar of strength and a positive thinker.  A good wife.  A best friend and trustworthy confidant.  A believer in God with unwavering faith.  A fighter and a supporter.  A brilliant author.  An Amazing Race winner.  A talented actress and a beautiful singer.  An inspiring teacher.  And an excellent mother.

I think an excellent way to start becoming an excellent mother would be to clean out of love like I mentioned above.  I should continue to go to Institute and start going to church to have unwavering faith.  I can keep writing in my blog to become an excellent writer.  I can keep going to voice lessons to be a beautiful singer.  And I can keep working out and eating right in order to prepare for The Amazing Race.

All very doable tasks.

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