Friday, April 22, 2011

What do you find challenging?

Math and Science.  Fo sho.  My mind simply does not comprehend certain aspects of these academic fields.  It is also very challenging for me to hold my tongue in certain situations.  Many situations in fact.  I'm a very opinionated person and have an incredibly hard time keeping my opinions to myself.  I'm also really, really bad at having self-control.  I don't think about consequences before I do something.  Also New Year's resolutions.  Those are incredibly challenging.  Pretty much failed every single one.

What do you find thrilling?

And this is where my lack of self-control comes in handy.  I am thrilled by adventure.  Who isn't?  And because I don't think about consequences, I often times live in a world of adventure.  I also am very thrilled by living vicariously through characters in books.  Especially Katniss.  She rocks.

What are three memories you haven't yet created but you would like to?

It is very hard to plan your memories.  But there are a few that I think many people aspire toward.  Here goes:
I would love to remember graduating from college with my degree.  That would be nice to have in the past and look on with warm fuzzy feelings.
I would like to remember my wedding day and the joy that will (hopefully) come along with it.
I can't wait to remember giving birth to my children.  I am told that the moment you first hold them in your arms and realize you have created them is both absolutely remarkable and terrifying.

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